*** trousers and pants country trends

Trousers and Pants: Country Trends

short pants knee socks
Figure 1.--Boys during much of the 19th century tended to wear similar trousers despite where they lived. We note some substatial differences in the early- and mid-20th century. European boys commonly wore short pants, but shorts were much less common in America, except for very young boys. Here we see a German boys probably in the 1930s.

We note a wide range of pants and trousers worn by boys around the world. Styles have varied over time. There were also differences among contries. Certain syles were more popular in some countries than others. Conventions also varied by country, although this varied over time and between countries. Styling might also vary. Many of the styles were popular in many different countrirs, but there were also differences among countries. We noticed some differences in the 19th century, but the differences were most pronounced in the early- and mid-20th century. We are not entirely sure why these differences existed. Notably by the 1970s there appeared to be a return to the 19th century situation when boys in Europe an North America tended to wear similar styles. We are developing country pages for trousers and pants in different countries. The pages developed so far are for America, Canada, England, France, and Germany.

Trouser Types: Country Trends

We note a wide range of pants and trousers worn by boys around the world. Styles have varied over time. There were also differences among contries. Certain syles were more popular in some countries than others. Conventions also varied by country, although this varied over time and between countries.

Styling: Country Trends

Styling might also vary by country.

Pants Types: Country Variations

Many of the trouser types were popular in many different countries, but there were also differences among countries. We noticed some differences in the 19th century, but the differences were most pronounced in the early- and mid-20th century. Notably by the 1970s there appeared to be a return to the 19th century situation when boys in Europe an North America tended to wear similar styles. While we can identiffy some of these differences, we are not at all sure why these differences developed. We suspect that this was not mere chance, but reflect a range of social and economic conditions.

Individual Country Differences

We are developing country pages for trousers and pants in different countries to assess individual country trends. The pages developed so far are for America, Canada, England, France, Germany, Itly, and Russia. Trends in some of these countries were very similar. But there were also some notable diffrences. In particular there were notable differences between North america (America and Canada) and Europe.


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Created: 10:52 PM 6/1/2007
Last updated: 10:53 PM 6/1/2007