Kilts Worn at Events

Figure 1.--.

Kilts are also of course seen at a variety of ethnic events, especially the various Galelic events held annually. The most well known are the Highland gatherings now held around the world. These events are perhaps best known for the dancing, pipe bands, and athletic evets--that is of course after the sheep dog events. It is not just the dancers and other competitors (athletic and pipe band members) that wear kilts. Scottish men and boys who attend Higland gatherings often wear kilts. Of course the best known are the participants such as the dancers, pipers, and athletic participants that wear them. There are also many other competitions such as thoise for individual drimmers and pipers. Many visitors and not just the competitors wear kilts as well. This is most common in Scotland of course, but also true of the Highland Gatherings in other countries as well, including America and Canada. Boys of Irish ancestry commonly wear kilts for step dancing competitions called feises. Most of the boys are not actually Irish, because most people of Irish ancestry live outside Ireland. Ther are significant differences btween the Higland Gatherings and the Irish feises. There are no athletic competitions at Irish feises. Boys at feises only wear the kilts to dance. As soon their competition is over, they take off their kilts.

Specific Events

Kilts are also of course seen at a variety of ethnic events, especially the various Galelic events held annually. The best known are Highland Gatherings, but Irish feises are also important. There surely are other such events, but we are not yet aware of them.

Highland Games

The most well known Highland gatherings are of course held in Scotland. Highland gatherings, however, now held in a large number of countries around the world. These events are perhaps best known for the dancing, pipe bands, and athletic events--that is of course after the sheep dog events. It is not just the dancers and other competitors (athletic and pipe band members) that wear kilts. Scottish men and boys who attend Higland gatherings often wear kilts. Of course the best known are the participants such as the dancers, pipers, and athletic participants that wear them. There are also many other competitions such as those for individual drimmers and pipers. Many visitors anbd not just the competitors wear kilts as well. This is most common in Scotland of course, but also true of the Highland Gatherings in other countries as well, including America and Canada.

Irish feises

Boys of Irish ancestry commonly wear kilts for step dancing competitions called feises. Most of the boys are not actually Irish, because most people of Irish ancestry live outside Ireland. There are significant differences btween the Higland Gatherings and the Irish feises. There are no athletic competitions at Irish feises. Boys at feises only wear the kilts to dance. As soon their competition is over, they take off their kilts.

Other events

There surely are other such events, but we are not yet aware of them. We believe that there are events in Greece and other countries where kilts are worn and we hope to eventually acquire information on these events.

Specific Events

Boys wear kilts for quite a number of different competitions at these events.




Sheep Dog Trials

Christopher Wagner

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Created: September 18, 2002
Last updated: September 18, 2002