Scottish Youth Group Uniforms

Figure 1.--This Scottis Scout at camp is preparing is bagpipe. Note that that is kilt and bagpipe use the same tartan. This photograpg was taken about 2000 of an Edinburgh troop. He and the othr Scouts are practising to put on a "traditional Scottish" entertainment at a major Summer camp attended by Scouts from all over Scotland and abroad too.

The world's first uniformed youth group was born in Scotland--the Boys'Brigade. The Boys' Brigade soon became primarily an English group and Scouting with its more secular appeal became the primary uniformed youth group in Scotland. The Scottish Cub and Scout uniforms were quite similar, the primary difference being that Scouts wore kilts. Cubs could also wear kilts. bit it was not as common. Scottish Scouts, but not the Cubs, also wore destinctive headwear. We do not know, however, how popular these groups were in Scotland. HBU knows of no other important Scottish youth group.

Boys Brigade

The world's first uniformed youth group was born in Scotland--the Boys'Brigade. The Boys' Brigade soon became primarily an English group. Some Scottish boys have worn the kilt with their uniform, but we do not know how common this has been or if it is common today.

Boy Scouts

Scouting with its more secular appeal became the primary uniformed youth group in Scotland. The Scottish Cub and Scout uniforms were virtually identical to the English Scouts and Cubs, the primary difference being that Scottish Scouts wore kilts and identifying Scottish badges. . Cubs could also wear kilts. but it was not as common. Scottish Scouts, but not the Cubs, also wore destinctive headwear. The Scottish Scouts like English Scouts added Beavers to the program for youunger children. Note the boy in the blue "T"-shirt here (figure 1). He is a Beaver. The Beavers wear colored T-shorts and grey sweat pants. This beaver wears a kilt with his blue T-shirt.


HBU knows of no other important Scottish youth group.


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Created: December 19, 2000
Last updated: 6:12 AM 8/25/2010