Boys' Historical Uniform Garments Accessories--Lanyards Used by Different Organizations

Figure 1.--Here we see a Chiro leder with a lanyard and whistle. Chriro was a Catholic group formed after World War II. Today Chiro gives little attention to uniform, but the lanyard continues to be used.

The lanyard was an extensively used uniform accessory item used by uniformed youth groups. A Dutch reader tells us, "I wore them as a patrol leader with the boy scouts and note that the were worn by many other youth movements, including Chiro, the Hithler Youth, KSA, and VNJ." Our Dutch reader is quite correct, lanyards were worn by quite a range of different youth gtoups. Of all the major groups, the lanyard was probably least used by Scouts--although there are differences aong national Scout groups. Other youth groups made extensive use of the lanyard as part of the uniform. It was perhaps most used by the Hitler Youth and other Fascist youth groups during the 1930s and early 40s. We have only limited actual information about the use of the lanyard in these groups, but available images provide some information. Unfortunately for many groups available black and white photographs make it virtually impossible to disdcern the colors.

Boy Scouts

A Dutch reader tells us, "I wore them as a patrol leader with the boy scouts and note that the were worn by many other youth movements, including Chiro, the Hithler Youth, KSA, and VNJ." Our Dutch reader is quite correct, lanyards were worn by quite a range of different youth gtoups. Of all the major groups, the lanyard was probably least used by Scouts--although there are differences aong national Scout groups.


Here we see a Chiro leader wearing a lanyard without other uniform items.

Hitler Youth

Other youth groups made extensive use of the lanyard as part of the uniform. It was perhaps most used by the Hitler Youth and other Fascist youth groups during the 1930s and early 40s. We see Hitler Youth boys wearing lanyards both on their epaulettes and on their pockets. We have only limited actual information about the use of the lanyard in these groups, but available images provide some information. Unfortunately for many groups available black and white photographs make it virtually impossible to disdcern the colors.



Young Pioneers


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Created: 7:37 PM 4/30/2005
Last updated: 7:37 PM 4/30/2005