English Boys' Brigade: Individuals--Alan (1969-2012)

Figure 1.--

I joined the Manchester and district battalion in Great Britain , as a young teenager in 1969. Inknwn to me at the time, the BB was undergoing some findamental changes. This explained why I was with a temprary field service cap of the old design wheras the other boys were sporting bew caps more alin to the United States military 'overseas cap' or as we called them'Thundrbirs gats' (after the popular TV show) and the attractive silver award badges were being replaced by dull bronze bdges. I rather liked the old foeld service cap with it star badge and white piping, which first appeared in 1930 and is still used by some os the oversea brigades. I began to notice other companies in my battalion were wearing variations of the uniform. There were companies in forage caps (pillbox or 'momkey hats' as some boyhs called them)nand others wearing the field service cap, worn with haversackand belt over black or dark blue schoo; blazers and caps.

Joining (1970s)

I joined the Manchester and district battalion in Great Britain , as a young teenager in 1969. Inknwn to me at the time, the BB was undergoing some findamental changes. This explained why I was with a temprary field service cap of the old design wheras the other boys were sporting bew caps more alin to the United States military 'overseas cap' or as we called them'Thundrbirs gats' (after the popular TV show) and the attractive silver award badges were being replaced by dull bronze bdges. I rather liked the old foeld service cap with it star badge and white piping, which first appeared in 1930 and is still used by some os the oversea brigades. I began to notice other companies in my battalion were wearing variations of the uniform. There were companies in forage caps (pillbox or 'momkey hats' as some boyhs called them)nand others wearing the field service cap, worn with haversackand belt over black or dark blue schoo; blazers and caps.

1963 Full Uniform

Some companies had adopted the '1963 Full Unifotm' of blue shirt, but usully not the the regulation blur trousers which had wide belt loops to accomodate the white BB belt. The visual effect of two belts --one to hold up the pants, the other jammed on top of it, or more usullyh riding up under the ribs where it hd been lifted by the haversak was not smart. (The haversackwas originally a military ration bag issued when required to carry a 'cold ration' when on the march - the early BB did a lot of route marching especially when out cmping in the countryside. Evenbtually this was relegted to a dress item.) The 'full uniform' companies invariably wore the '1970 cap'.

Boys' Life Uniform (1926)

The smart full uniform which seemed to be so modern and new to us was yet another throwback. It first appeared in 1926, inherited from the Boys' Life Brigade when united with the BB. This uniform with slight changes, was made universal in 1930.

World War II (1939-45)

The Boys' Life uniforms were proving popular with the whole Brigade, but the advent of War in 1939 halted its further issue and after the War the 'traditionl' equipment over ordinary clothing previled. Rationing continued well into the post-War era. The only item to survive was the white piped field service cap. This had been generlly worn with the full uniform and was beginning to supplant the forage cap, even among traditional uniform companies. There was even an officers' version popular in England but this too vanished.

Parade Formations

It became common practice at parades to divide the uniforms into two groups for better visual effect. But it was almost a fashion statement, that those in the new uniform were the most progressive. The BB had allowed a transition period for the old caps to be phased out, but some companies held out for as long as possible. Over time all the companies adopted the full uniform. In British schools thre has been a steadt transition from blazers to sweatshirts so the 'traditional' uniform was untenable anyway.

Traditional Option (1982-84)

The next major change hppened in 1982 when I was a young lieutenant. Officer ranks were authorized to wear as an option to the traditional blue suit, a boys' pattern blue shirt, with officers' rank badges on the shoulder straps. Some officers had pre-empted this and were already wearing it. This was changed to a white shirt in 1984. The more informal shit did not appeal to the older more traditional officers, but it was a cheaper alternative to buying a suit, so it was ppular. Few oficers in my battlion wear the suit today.


In the BB, uniform has been a major preoccupation. Every change has been met with resistance from traditionalists. This has usually resulted in Brigade council allowing companies to wear alternative uniforms. This probably dates back to the union of the BB with the Boys' Life Brigade in 1926. Both organizations had their own uniforms and there hd o be a period of transition. Unfortunately this persisted for decades and is still with us today to some extent.

Latest Changes (2000)

The latest uniform change was in 2000. The 1963 unifirmmwas simplified by the replacement of the belt haversack and cap by a more basic shirt and a narrow belt. Even so there is still an optional uniform of a polo (casual) shirt and the Brigade, yet again allowed individual companies to wear caps after the 2006 transition date.

Current Situation

The last Manchester Battalion church parade revealed a hoych potch of uniforms -- some with caos, earing haversacks over the new zhirts with old bely=ts, or with new bets and shirts -- but without haversacks. And one defiant officer respendent in blue short and Glengarry cap. Mosy, however, wore the regulation uniform.

Alan Brookes


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Created: 2:46 PM 7/13/2015
Last updated: 2:46 PM 7/13/2015