Ethniki Organosi Neolaias (EON): Ethos

Figure 1.--Except for the EON sysmbol rather than the NAZI swastica, this drawing of an EON boy could easily be taken for a Hiler Youth boy.

We do not have a great deal of information about the ethos of EON based on actual mannuals or writings and speeches by EON leaders. Images of children giving the EON salute certainly have the look of the Hitler Youth or Italaian Bilail. Other images of EON give the same impression. Certainly EON stressed nationalism and patriotism as well as denegration of democracy. Whether EON included racism, hatred for other groups, and aggressive militarism exhibited by other Fascist groups we do not yet know. EON no matter how it postured as a Fascist youth group had severe limitations. First Musolini had expanionist designs in the Balkans. Second Hitler wanted to bring Turkey into the War and Greek natioanlism and ireendetism was primarily directed at Turkey.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: October 22, 2002
Last updated: October 22, 2002