Nationale Jeugdstorm: Street Scene

Figure 1.--These NJS boys are on an outing. A reader has helped translate the posters for us. The photograph is undated, but was orobably taken in 1941-42. Here the leader wears the same uniform as the younger boys except for the shoukder attachment to his belt. Note that only one boy wears the uniform cap. Click on the image to find out what the posters say.

Street Scene

These NJS boys are on an outing. We have no idea where they are headed. Perhaps to the zoo or park or perhaps to a political rally. We just do not know. This looks some what like a Cub outing, except that there is no adult involved, only an older boy as a leader. It s interesting because most available images show the NJS boys lined up in military formations or participating in parades. Here we see a more informal glimpse of the NJS. The photograph is not dated, but we would guess about 1941-42. After the Netherlands was occupied (May 1940) it seemed as though all was lost to many. And as a result some concluded that NAZI rule had to be accepted. We think that as the NAZIs began to experience serious reverses in 1943 they would have more likely to keep their younger sons out of the DJS.


The posters are interesting, although it is not possible to make them out very clearly. Posters were a major medium of communication in many European countries. We had nothing like this in America. But we see posters like this plastered all over public places in many European countries. The smaller print on the posters is difficult to assess. A Dutch reader has helped us with the text on the posters.

Top poster (only partially vissible)

The top poster reads: Wordt WA-man. Koopt en leest "De Zwarte Soldaat" or : Become a WA - man. Buy and read "The Black Soldier". WA means Weerafdeling, the military organisation of the Dutch Nazi Party NSB. It was set up in 1932 primarily to protect the party's canvassers and discontinued in 1935 after the government banned all private militia. It was re-established shortly after Germany occupied the Netherlands. The term black needs some explanation. It is not used in a racial context as this connotation is fairly recent in Dutch, the equivalent of "a black man" being "een neger" - and this has no depreciatory meaning. Rather, "black" in this context refers to the fascist character of a person or organization. A good example is Mrs. Florentine Rost van Tonningen, aged about 90 and nicknamed de zwarte weduwe (the black widow) who is still actively propagating the ide! as of her NSB husband. Thus "De Zwarte Soldaat" may perhaps more accurately translated as "The Fascist Soldier". The rest of the poster reads In dienst van ons volk (At the service of our nation); En gij? (And you ?). The WA-men served as a para-military force in the occupation. They played a major role in rounding up and transporting Jews to the NAZI death camps in Poland.

Lower poster

EEN SCHANDE (A DISGRACE ) ... 20 JAREN (20 YEARS) ... Then a scene is depicting something disgraceful. Unfortunately we can not make out just what is so duisgraceful. DIT MOET UIT ZIJN (THERE MUST BE AN END TO THIS). That's about all I can make out. Here the leader wears the same uniform as the younger boys except for the shoukder attachment to his belt. Note that only one boy wears the uniform cap.


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Created: 7:41 PM 10/9/2004
Last updated: 5:10 AM 10/10/2004