National Youth Groups: Romania

Figure 1.--This press photo datefd June 12, 1939 was captioned, "Crown Prince Michael at Boy Scout Rally: Bucharest, Romania--Crown Prince Michel, son of King Carol of Romania, kneels to pray with fellow Boy Scouts taking part in an openair rally is astadium near the city." American reporters and newspaper were not well informed before World war II about youth groups around the world. America accoustemed to the non-political Boy Scouts saw all uniformed groups essentially as Scouts. The boys here were members of the state controlled Străjeria.

Both Fascism and Communism grew in importance during the 1930s after the Depression began and the NAZIs seized power in Germany. This affected the attitudes of toung people and extremist groups began to organize with youth auxileries. Scouting remained a largely apolitical oasis among the increasingly devisive Romanian society. Romanian was becoming ungonvernable King Carol II seized control of the Government and adopted dictatorial powers (1937). The Government established the National Renaissance Front to replace the fractous parliamentary system. The Government closed down the Scouting movement and other youth groups to create the Străjeria--a single national youth group as a unifying step. There were both a boys and girls division. We have few details as to the activities and operations of the Străjeria. Nor do we know if it was popular with Romanian youth. We believe that many former Scouters were involved, but have no actual information. Romania was forced by the NAZIs to enter the Axis and eventually World War II as a German ally. The Străjeria did not last long. It was disbanded as the Red Army entered Romania (1944). We do not know if the Romanian Communist Government took any action against the leadership after the War, but this seems likely.

Political Background

Both Fascism and Communism grew in importance during the 1930s after the Depression began and the NAZIs seized power in Germany. This affected the attitudes of toung people and extremist groups began to organize with youth auxileries. Scouting remained a largely apolitical oasis among the increasingly devisive Romanian society. Romanian was becoming ungonvernable King Carol II seized control of the Government and adopted dictatorial powers (1937). The Royal Government established the National Renaissance Front to replace the fractous parliamentary system.

Foundation (1935)

The Government created the Străjeria--a single national youth group as a unifying step (1935). The full name was the Straja Ţării (The Sentinel of the Motherland), but more commonly was called the Străjeria (The Sentinel). The primary purpose was to provide a strongly patriotic alternative to the expanding influence of the Fascist-oriented Iron Guard which was beginning to attract young people and the Governent had little control over because it was a political party organization.. King Karol took a personal interest in the Străjeria. He modeled it on the Hitler Youth rather than the Scouts. He was also influenced by the Italian Fascist Balilla. Apparently he saw it as a youth organization that could be used for political purposes in a way that Scouts could not.

Reorganization (1937)

King Carol modelled the Străjeriait on the NAZI Hitler Youth organization. He was also influenced by the Italian Fascist Balilla. The Fascist orientation becam more overt with the establishment of the King's personal dictatorship (December 3, 1938). The Străjeriait was reorganized to confirm the new National Renaissance Front. It was at this time that other youth organizations were banned. The King's concerns were not Scouting, but the Iron Guard youth movement. the actual leaders of the group were General Teofil Sidorovici and Nisa Cămărăşescu. the Străjeria became known as the King's White Army.


The Străjeria used a form of the Roman salute as greeting. Members were bound by the group Crez (Credo): "Credinţă şi muncă pentru Ţară şi Rege 1. Cred în Dumnezeu şi în Biserica străbunilor mei; 2. Cred în Regele Ţării, Marele nostru Străjer, Cârmuitorul destinelor Poporului Român; 3. Cred în muncă şi jertfă — închinându-mi întreaga mea fiinţă pentru ridicarea şi propăşirea Patriei; 4. Cred în Straja Ţării — chezăşia Unităţii Neamului, Hotarelor şi Sufletului Românesc." This translated as: "Faith and labour for Country and King. 1. I believe in God and the Church of my ancestors; 2. I believe in the King of the Country, our Great Sentinel, the Leader of the Romanian People's destinies; 3. I believe in labour and sacrifice — dedicating my entire being to the advancement and prosperity of the Motherland; 4. I believe in Straja Ţării — the guarantee of the People's Unity, of the Boundaries and of the Romanian Soul.")


The Străjeria members were known as străjeri (Sentinels or Watchmen). All Romanian boys aged 7 to 18 and all girls between 7 and 21 were supposed to join the Străjeria. We are not sure about why there was this age differential. The older boys were apparently given military trainming outside the Străjeria. We believe that many former Scouters were involved, but have no actual information. As a national mass organization with mandatory participation, membership was much larger than that of the Scouts before they were banned. The organization eventually totaled about 4 million members. Enforcment of the membership requirement was accomplished through the schools. It was probably most strongly enforced in the cities where school attendance was most pronounced. Maby rural chikdren did not continue ctheir education after primary school. We are not sure if Jews were permitted to join, but we do not have specific details. Unlike the Hitler Youth, converted Jews probably could join, although this may have been affected by anti-Semetic laws and actions that occurred during World War II. By this time, however, General Antonescu has disbanded the Străjeria


The Străjeria had both a boys and girls division.


Străjeria units included phalanx, legion, cohort, flocks, belt, and nestings,


We have few details as to the activities and operations of the Străjeria. The members were taught to salute each other by saying the word “Health!”. Since it was a school-centered program, the teachers were were used to support and guide the various activities. The children learned patriotic songs and poems. They also organized trips with patriotic themes. The Străjeriait became responsible for all sports and gymnastic activities. Străjeria units had their own bannders and pennants. They sang străjereşti songs. They participated in a range of drives collecting recyclable items and projects such as assisting orphans abnd thge eklderly. . It also promoted King Carol's personality cult and were on occassion mobilized for parades and various propaganda activities. The King was referred to Marele Străjer--The Great Sentinel. Nor do we know how popular with Romanian youth. One source reports that the Străjeria pursued paramilitary training. A body comprising 18 to 21-year old boys completed Straja. It provided basic military education and training.


We do not yet have much informtion about the Străjeria iniform. We notice some members, both boys and girls wearing berets, mostly white berets. They also wore a neckerchief, but we are not sure about the color. We also notice white shirts with a variety of paches, and badges. There were also dark jackets. The boys wore dark shorts and the girls daek skirts. We note the boys wearing what looks like tan knee socks. We also notice tan long stovkings, especially among the girls.

World War II (1941-44)

When Hitler launched World war II by invading Poland, Romania remained neutral (1939). Romania was forced by the NAZIs to enter the Axis and eventually World War II as a German ally. The Soviet Union demanded cession of Northern Bukovina and Bessarabia (1940). They had lqrgely Romanian populations, but had been parts of the Tsarist Empire before World War I. Hitler in the Second Vienna Award awarded northern Transylvania to Hungary. The Străjeria was used to assist the many refugees fleeing Soviet and Hungarian occupastion. Romanian Radio praising Straja Ţării as Armata Albă a Regelui ("the King's White Army"). This was virtually the only assistance provided the refugees. It is unclear why the Government did not offer assistnce. Popular reaction to these losses resulted in the fall of King Carol's regime and the establishment of the National Legionary State government. King Carol's National Renaissance Front was disbanded and its assets taken over by the Iron Guard. The Iron Guard began to promote its version of Fascism. The new dictator General Ion General Ion Antonescu, aparenjtly disbanded the Străjeria at this time, but we have few details. Nor do we know if the Romanian Goivernment attempted to build its own national youth movement. Antonescu with German assistance supressed the Iron Guard. Romania did not enter the War until the German Barbarossa invasion of the Soviet Union (June 1941). The Romanian Government hoped to not only regain territory seized by the Soviets, but by being useful to Hitkler, also the areas of Trasylvania Hitler had awarded to Hungary. As a result the Romanians made auch greater commitment to Barbarissa than the Hungarians. We do not know if the Romanian Communist Government took any action againsr the Străjeria leadership after the War, but this seems likely.


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Created: 6:56 AM 4/26/2009
Last updated: 5:27 AM 3/24/2012