Spanish Pioneers (193?-39)

Figure 1.--

There was a Socialist oriented Pioneer group in Spain during the Civil War era, but we have few details at this time, except that we know they existed. The Spanish name was Pioneros, presumably chosen because of the Young Pioneer Movement in the Soviet Union. We do not know just who organized the group, presumably Socialist or Communist parties or perhaps the labor unions. We are not sure when they were first organized, but we know that groups were active at least by 1935 before the outbreak of the Civil War (1936-39). We note an American volunteer of the Abrahan Lincoln Brigade promising to bring home a Pioneer pin. A reader who was a girl during the Civil War writes, "I recall that during the Spanish Civil War (1936-39) I belonged to the Pioneers, and I distinctly remember our uniform: Blue shirt, navy blue pants/skirts, and red scarf. Our emblem was several fire flames over crossed logs." [Ymadlain] Notice that they were a coed group at a time that most youth groups were single gender organizations.


There was a Socialist oriented Pioneer group in Spain during the Civil War era, but we have few details at this time, except that we know they existed. The Spanish name was Pioneros, presumably chosen because of the Young Pioneer Movement in the Soviet Union. We are not sure when they were first organized, but we know that groups were active at least by 1935 before the outbreak of the Civil War (1936-39). Our reader tells us, "I do not think they were founded in 1935 when I joined; since there was a Communist Party in Spain before that time. I believe the group had already been formed when I joined in Barcelona. We were not Spanish. We went to Spain because my mother was 'expelled' from Germany." In the Soviet Union the youth movement was called the Young Pioneers. In Spain our reader only recalls the group being referred to as Pioneros. Barcelona, where our reader was living, along with Madrid were Republican stronghold because of the strength of the labor movement in the two cities. Our reader adds, "Barcelona, capital of Cataluņa has had, and still has, as an important history, literature, and general culture as the Basques, with its own language and even architecture."


We do not know just who organized the group, presumably Socialist or Communist parties or perhaps the labor unions. Our reader writes, "One of the reasons I sent you my email, is that, now being 83 years old, I remember very little of the political structure of the time. I do remember a good amount of the advertising that was put out, such as activities in the Russian children's homes, etc."


We notice that the Pioneers were a coed group at a time that most youth groups were single gender organizations.

Civil War (1936-39)

Following a period of escalating political instability in the early 20th century, the Spanish monarchy fell. It was replaced by a Republic which began instituting social reforms. Threatened conservative elements supported a military revolt led by Francisco Franco. This plunged Spain into a bloody civil war. NAZI Germany and Fascist Italy, beginning in 1936, were also active in Spain helping Franco establish a Fascist-like regime. The Spanish Civil War is often seen as the unveiling of the new German Luftwaffe after Hitler had unilaterally abrogated the Versailles Peace Treaty prohibiting Germany from building an air force. Spanish Generals Francisco Franco and Quiepo de Llano revolted against the reform-minded Republican Government elected in Madrid (July 1936). Franco appealed for help. Hitler immediately ordered Luftwaffe transport plans to transport Franco's loyalist troops in Morocco to participate in the fighting. He saw a left-wing government in Madrid as harmful to the Reich, aiding the French policy of encirclement. Both Italy and Germany were soon sending arms and men to the loyalists and provided important air elements. The defenseless Basque village of Guernica was the first European city to be destroyed by the Luftwaffe. The democracies and League of Nations responded with an arms embargo. Only the Soviets aided the Republic. The Spanish Civil War is most commonly seen as the first major battle against fascism in Europe. Less known and more controversial is the social revolution launched by the Republic.

International Brigades

We note an American volunteer of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade promising to bring home a Pioneer pin.


We do not know a lot about the group's program. We do not know if there wee Scout-like cactivies sich as hiking or camping or if it was more of an untban politicl group. We note one photograph of Spanish Pioneers parading in Madrid as part of a find raising effort for hospitals caring for the war wounded in 1936. Our reader writes, "The activities were of a military nature since the Civil War broke out soon after I joined." As the War began to go against the Republic, there was increasing talk among various socialist, communist, and trade unions, about, at least the children, being 'evacuated' to Russia.


A reader who was a girl during the Civil War writes, "I recall that during the Spanish Civil War (1936-39) I belonged to the Pioneers, and I distinctly remember our uniform: Blue shirt, navy blue pants/skirts, and red scarf. Our emblem was several fire flames over crossed logs." [Ymadlain] This was similar to the Soviet Pioneer emblem.

Fall of the Republic (1939)

Catalonia including Barcelona was occupied by the Nationalists (February 10, 1939). The last city in Republican hands was Madrid. Peace proposals from the Junta de Defensa (unnder Casado and Besteiro) were futile as it was clear the Nationalists had won. After 3 years of being blockaded by Franco's four generals, Madrid finally fell. Franco's victorious army entered Madrid (March 28). Franco declared the Civil War officially over (April 1). This ended the Republic. This meant the end of the Pioneers as well because Franco abolished all political parties except the Falange. Large numbers of Republican soldiers and supporters were shot or imprisoned. We suspect that this would have included Pioneer youth leaders. Our reader tells us, "I cannot answer since I left Spain before Franco entered Barcelona. We sought refuge in France where we lived for a little over a year. We were better off than most and did not have to live in the camps set up for the refugeees."


Ymadlain, eMail message, March 3, 2011.


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Created: 12:12 AM 3/4/2011
Spell checked: 2:53 AM 3/4/2011
Last updated: 6:03 AM 4/15/2014