Salvation Army Activities

Figure 1.-- Here we have a Salvation Army Young People's bands in the late 1950s. Here a band group is in a church without their instruments. They may have also sung.

We have very limited information on Salvation army youth activities at this time. This is in part because we have little information on the program as a whole. Certinly music and bands was a very important activity. The Junior Auxilery of the Salvation Army is often depicted as participating in small bands, used to attract crowd for the sermons delivered by adults. Almost all of the images that we have found show boys involved with these bands. The photograph here is a good example (figure 1). We also notice Salvation Army Summer camps, although we don't know very much about them. We are not sure if the summer camps were for children or youth leaders. We are unsure at this time what other activities in which the junior members partcipated.


We have very limited information on Salvation army youth activities at this time. This is in part because we have little information on the program as a whole. Certinly music and bands was a very important activity. The Junior Auxilery of the Salvation Army is often depicted as participating in small bands, used to attract crowd for the sermons delivered by adults. Almost all of the images that we have found show boys involved with these bands. The photograph here is a good example (figure 1).

Summer Camps

We also notice Salvation Army Summer camps, although we don't know very much about them. We are not sure if the summer camps were for children or youth leaders. We also notice Salvation Army Summer camps, although we don't know very much about them. Here we have a photo postcard of a group of boys at what appears to be a Salvation Army Summer camp. This camp was located in England. Written on the tent behind them, now very very faint, are the words "S...vation Camp". I can't make out the missing letters any more but I think the Salvation Army guess is the best one. The card is postally unused and unwritten on the reverse. The boys here look to be teenagers. We are unsure as gto the purpose of the Salvation Army camps. We do note the boys here have musical instruments.

Other Activities

We are unsure at this time what other activities in which the junior members partcipated.

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Created: 6:12 PM 1/21/2006
Last updated: 6:12 PM 1/21/2006