Salvation Army Personal Experiences: Derek and the Salvation Army Band (1950s)

Figure 1.-- Here is the uniform we wore as band members in the late 1950s. Notice the red gersey sweater with the SA logo.

I was interested to read the memories of someone who, like me, had been brought up in the Salvation Army Young People's(YP) Band system. My uniform was very similar to your contributor's, except that we did not have epaulettes on our jackets. I was a member from 1953 to 1960, in two different areas of the UK. I remember the red guernsey (motto "Blood and Fire") being a bit scratchy, so I often wore an ordinary shirt underneath, which made it feel a bit tight. I wore short trousers until I was about 12, which was the time I went into long trousers at school, and quite liked the uniform. I had the peaked cap, which we were supposed to wear, but this always seemed over-sized to me, and I wore it as little as possible. Instead of a uniform greatcoat, we wore the same navy-blue gabardine raincoat that we wore for school. I have attached some black and white photos from the time, with two different bands, and some individual boys. I would very much like to hear from other readers who have experience of the Y.P. Band uniform, either from my time, or before or after.


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Created: 6:27 PM 1/21/2006
Last updated: 6:27 PM 1/21/2006