English Wolf Cubs: Specific Activities

Figure 1.--Cubs pack activities are primarily home based. There are a wide variety of projects sposored. This is a gardening project.

English Cubbing from the beginning involved a wide range of activities. Unlike Scouting, camping was not a major part of the program which was more home-based. There were, however, learning activities prepaing boys for camping. There were skills to learn like knot tying. There were a variety of projects like model building. The weekly pack meetings always had games which were very popular with the boys. There were both inside games and outddor games. Wide games were especially popular. Packs organized many projects. The Cubs here are participating in a gardening project (figure 1). There might also be skits. Outings and field trips to zoos, museums, and other interesting places were an especially popular activity. The activities have changed somewhat over time, reflecting popular activities of this age group. There was once a "Have a cuppa day" (or something like that) when Cubs brewed their mums a cup of tea. There are, however, many constants in the progrms.

Specific Activities

English Cubbing from the beginning involved a wide range of activities. The range of activities is as wide as the imagination of Scouters and boys involved. Many of the activities are home-based, but there are also a range of outings. Some involve Scout oriented activities like camping and hiking. Others are more like school field trips to museums and other educational sites. There are also purely recreational trips such as visits to theme parks and beaches. Some actibities are joint underakings with Scouts and guides like bands. We have gathered some information about these events. Hopefully breaders will provide some infomtion about some of the activties.

Chronological Developments

The activities have changed somewhat over time, reflecting popular activities of this age group. Early Cun activities were less diverse than is the case for the activities pursued by modern Cub packs. To sone degree this is a reflection of our modern world, both new technologies and the much greater recreational options available to children.

Special Days

There was once a "Have a cuppa day" (or something like that) when Cubs brewed their mums a cup of tea. There are, however, many constants in the progrms. I believe English Cubs were also active on Armistace Day, selling the little red poppies worn in rememberance. And of course there is always a Scout parade on St. George's Day.


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Created: October 15, 2003
Last updated: 1:46 AM 10/17/2006