English Wolf Cub Uniforms: The 1960s--Traditional Uniform Retained

Figure 1.--This photograph is undayed, but we think that it ws taken in the 1960s. While major changes were made in the Scout uniform, the traditional Cub unifom was retained.

While thescout uniform was changed in 1966, the traditional Cub uniform was retained unchanged. Green jerseys became standard and cubs stayed in shorts - boys still largely wore shorts at primary school. For many years boys had worn shoes rather than boots; sandals (typically Clarks 'T-bar' leather sandals) became common now, especially in summer. The decission to allow Scouts to wear longs, but to insist on the Cubs wearing shorts mean that many Cubs would want to wear long pants. The Cubs would see the older boys in longs and then they didn't want to wear short pants because they thought it made them look like little boys. This of course was precisely what occurred--although English Cubs did mostly wore shorts in the 1970s and some still do. The America approach was to have a summer uniform with shorts so more American Cubs were to wear short pants after the 1960s than before.


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Created: June 16, 2003
Last updated: June 16, 2003