English Wolf Cubs: Participating with Scouts

Figure 1.--

Wolf Cubs often participate in events with Boy Scouts and Sea Scouts. Sometimes the Wolf Cubs shared a common chartering institution and sometimes they participated in the same parish or neighborhood. Thus there are a range of common bonds between the Cubs and Scouts. In recent years church sponsorship has become increasdiongly important which has increased the level of common events. Often brothers of different ages are involved and parents are often involved at different levels, often mums with the Cubs as Akela and dad's with the Scouts. The same is true of the Guides. Although the Guides traditionally had a separate organization, they often have the same chartering organization. This means that they may share facilities like the Scout Hut and fund raising events like Gymkhanas, Scout Band competitions, and many others. Parades are always a great way to get out the Scouts in thier best kit. A good exaple is a Sea Scout and Cub group preparing to march in the annual St. George's Day Parade , in this case on January 5, 1960. The Pack is participating with the 2nd St. Marylebone Sea Scouts on the left, and an unidentified Boy Scout Troop on the right. Multiple flags trailing off to the right suggest a number of other Scouting units.


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Created: 12:28 AM 10/5/2013
Last updated: 4:53 AM 10/7/2013