English Wolf Cubs: Salute and Handshakes

Figure 1.-- The English Cubs here, probably in the 1950s, are demonstrating the salute and handshake. Note the one boy's sixer stripes. The boy on the left is reporting to the sixer, the pack leader, with the pack in formation behind him.

Scouts and Cubs have their own special salutes and handshake. The Cubs salute with two fingers rather than with all five fingers as in a military salute. Thev hand shake is the famous left hand shake. The same conventions are used by Scouts around the world. These are someof the first things a new Cub learns. The English Cubs here, probably in the 1950s, are demonstrating the salute and handshake (figure 1). The boy on the left is reporting to the sixer, the pack leader, with the pack in formation behind him.


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Created: 12:28 AM 6/17/2004
Last updated: 12:28 AM 6/17/2004