English Wolf Cub Uniforms: Chronology--the 1920s

Figure 1.--This pack portrait is undated. The long skirts work by the Akelas suggestthe early-1920s to us. Nore the Cub caps, kneckerchiefs, ans sweaters with Wolf Cub emblems. They look to be grey. Note that the boys wear a variety of knee socks. This pack and presumably a Scout troop as well was sponsored by a church. Put your cursor on the imsage foir an enlargement.

Cubs in the early-1920s wore peaked caps, kneckerchiefs, sweaters, short pants, and kneesocks. We are not entirely sure about the actual regultions. We do have some images of invidual packs. We are not, however, sure of how representatve they were. Almost all of the boys would commonly have the cap, kneckerchief, and sweater but we note a variety of jackets and short pants. I'm not sure just who particiapted in Scouting during the 1920s. If it was mostly middle-class boys, than uniforming would not be a problem. Buying a uniform beyond a cap, sweater, and kneckerchief, however, would be difficult for boys from working class families. Available images of English cubs show the boys wearing the Cub cap, sweater, and kneckerchief. The sweater had to be especially for Cubs as the boys wore a cub emblem on the sewater. I think it was ared Wolf Cub emblem. We are not sure about the color. There were clearly differet colors used. Normally the Cub Master would select the color for the pack. . While the boys almost always wear shorts and kneesocks, they do not seem to be uniform. They generally appear to be wearing clothes they might wear to school. We are not sure just how strongly the official uniform was pushed. We suspect this varied from pack to pack and depended on the Cub Master.


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Created: 11:49 PM 11/5/2008
Last updated: 11:50 PM 11/5/2008