English Wolf Cub Uniforms: Attenttion

Figure 1.--The English Cubs are all smartly kitted out in the full uniform, probably in the 1990s. English Cubs continue to give great attention to wearing the proper uniform. Note the girl Cub.

Almost all early Cub groups around the world gave great attention to the unifgorm in the early years. This contibued through the 1960s. We note in the 1970s that there was much less attention to the uniform in many countries. English Cuba and Scouts, however, continued to stress the correct wearing of the proper uniform. There were differences among Cub packs. Some gave more attention to the uniform than others. Relatively speaking, however, the British Scouts and Cubs continued stressing the uniform more than in oother countries, especially other European countries. You rately saw English Cubs, for example, wearing jeans as was common in DEurope.


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Created: November 7, 2003
Last updated: November 7, 2003