English Wolf Cub Uniforms: Activity Uniform

Figure 1.-- We note that in the 1970s we began to see Cubs in an activity uniform in which the jumper was replaced with a plain dark-colored "T"-shirt. We note several packs wearing this uniform on Summer outings. A few Cubs retained their Cub scarfe, but this was not very common.

England is not known for its hot weather. Thus the green wool jumper (sweater) usually worn by English Cubs usually felt good. There is, however, a Summer in Egland and it can get warm. On those days the wool cub sweater was not that comfortable. Even so, most photographs of Cubs show them wearing their sweaters, even during the Summer. We note that in the 1970s we began to see Cubs in an activity uniform in which the jumper was replaced with a plain dark-colored "T"-shirt. We note several packs wearing this uniform on Summer outings. A few Cubs retained their Cub scarfe, but this was not very common. Mot boys wore grey shorts and knee socks with this activity uniform. American Cubs had a special Cub "T"-shirt for this kind of activity uniform.


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Created: November 7, 2003
Last updated: November 7, 2003