* English 1950s Wolf Cub Pack

English Boy Scouts: Levels

Figure 1.--Here we see a group of older Englisg Cubs and younger Scouts on a trip of some sort. American Cubs and Scouts were uually separatd. There seems to be more of this mixing in England as sponsiring groups mot only spnosired Cybs and Scouts but Girl Guides ascwell. The two groups here were close in age making it easy to plan the activities. The snapshot is undated, but looks like the early-1960s.

At first Scouting only had one level, but soon Wolf Cubbing was added and then Rover Scouts. The demise of the Boy Scouts, Wolf Cubs and Rover Scouts. Mahor changes occurred to Scouting in the 1960s. In 1964, the Boy Scout Association commissioned a working party (the Chief Scouts Advanced Party to look into how Scouting in the United Kingdom should progress. The General Report of 1966 made radical reforms to the Boy Scout Association which were carried out in 1967. Firstly the Association's name changed, dropping the Boy to become the Scout Association. The Cub section dropped the Wolf to become Cub Scouts; the Scout section also dropped the Boy, and the upper age limit was altered to 16; Senior Scouts and Rover Scouts were disbanded, to be replaced by Venture Scouts for the 16 to 20 year olds and the B-P Guild was set up for those members who wanted to participate in Scouting over the age of 20, but did not want to necessarily commit themselves to a leadership role. Beavers were added in the 1980s.

Scouts (1908)

The Scouts were the senior service of the Biys Scout movenent. The Scouts weee fiubded as an organixation fot boys 11 to 14/15 years of age. Girks were not included as biys yiunger and older. There was nothihng quite like it. The Boys' Brigade existed, but had a cire Christian ficus. Chrtistianity was not absent, but was not at the core of the mivement. Rather Naden Powell's conceot was amovenent centered ond citizenship, courteous behaviour, and skill in healthy outdoor activities. Powell was well known in Britain as the defender of the town of Mafeking during the Bohr War in South Africa. Powell's experience as a British calvalry officer during the Bogr War in South Africa promyed him to asl questions about the character, finess, health, and sjillsrt of gthe young men entering the British Army. After returning to Britain, Powell tested his idea out at a camp on Brown Sea Islamd even before publishing his book -- Scouting for Boys (1908). Using the prijcioles he wrote about he founded the Scouting Movement. He was thinking about Britain, nut not at first a world wude movenent. The interests of boys in Europe and Anerica as well as Ntitain's Empire turned it it into a world wide movement. He came up with games and contests that he had used to train cavalry troops in scouting--a major task of the calvalry in military operationd before the 20th century. Powell's more secular program had great appeal with boy who at the time had very limited activities thatbthy could engage in beyond school. Ome appeal of the program was ihevidea ofvboy leadership. This was the case withthe Sciuts beginning with patrol leaders. This was not only with the Scouts, but Scouts would play role in the Wolf Cub program that was subsequently founded (1916). Biys lerned all sorts of outdoorbskills, including tracking and reconnaissance, mapping, signaling, knotting, first aid, and all the skills that arise from camping and similar activities. Boys joining the movement had to promise to be loyal to his country, help other people, and in general obey the Scout Law, basicalky a code of courteois/gallant behavior. This was aconceot that boys instantly understood and generally recognized. .

Wolf Cubs (1916)

Orignally B-P. had invisaged Scouting as a movement for boys between the ages of 11 and 18. As early as 1909 Scoutmasters were facing the problem of younger brothers wanting to join in the fun. Some just turned a blind eye to the age of some of the boys, others formed Patrols and Troops of Junior or Cadet Scouts. To address the problem of what to do with the younger brothers, Scouting first just ignored the formation of unauthorized Troops, taking no steps to dicourage or promote them. Basen-Powell finally in 1914 revealed a basic scheme in The Headquarters Gazette for the training of what he first called the "Junior Scouts". Two years later in 1916 he introduced a more detailed program which he called Wolf Cubs. The program was based around the enormously popular Jungle Book of his close friend Rudyard Kipling. The Cubs were to have their own distinct uniform, badges, motto, sign, salute, etc. This was an important decission as nothing could be more dertimental to the succes of a program for teenagers than to allow younger boys to participate. Note that the lore assocaited with English Cubbing focuses on Africa. When American Cubbing was belatedly introduced many years later, the focus of the lore was on North American Native Americans.

Rover/Venture Scouts (1917)

Wolf Cubs dealt with those too young to be Scouts. Buy what was to be done with teenagers that were to old to be Scouts. In 1917, just before the end of World War I, Baden Powell set up a scheme for Senior Scouts. They changed their name to Rover Scouts in 1918. The program was for anyone over the age of 18, with Outdoor Adventure and Service as the mainstays of the programme.

Beavers (1986)

The latest addition to the English Scout familiy is Beaver Scouts. In the early 1980's Scout Groups were allowed to take in boys in the 6-8 age range for a new Beaver group. Although at this point the Beavers were not part of the Scout Association, only their Leaders were allowed in. This changed on April 1, 1986 when all Beavers became Beaver Scouts overnight. Initially the section had just one badge to earn after the Beaver had been enrolled, but in 1995 a new programme introduced two new badges, imaginatively know as the First Beaver Scout Badge and the Second Beaver Scout Badge, allowing with the Beaver Scout Challenge Badge for the older Beavers. Beavers have proved to be a very successful program for English Scouts.


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Created: 7:54 AM 1/21/2015
Last updated: 6:34 PM 3/9/2020