English Boy Scout School Troop: Whitchurch Grammar School

Figure 1.--This is Troop 3 at the Whitchurch Grammar School in 1957. Note the two colors of uniform shirts. Click on the image to see the rest of the unit.

We note quite a number of grammar schools with scout units. This is a large Scout unit at the Whitchurch grammar school (figure 1) We believe this is a grammar school in Cardiff, Wales. We do not yet have a page on the school, although we are developing information on individual Welsh schools. We are archiving it here because we do not have a n extensive Scout section, but we have begun to collect some basic information. We believe that Welsh Scouting and English Scouting is essentially identical, but Welsh readers may wanty to comment on this.


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Created: 8:59 PM 1/27/2005
Last updated: 1:05 AM 1/28/2005