French Boy Scout Uniforms: Eclaireuses et Eclaireurs de France (EEDF)

Figure 1.--EEDF Scouts on a camping trip in 1961. The uniform had tan shirts and dark colored cord shorts.


The EEDF has several different age structured programs:
Lutins: The Lutins or Sprites are for children 6-8 years of age. This is the age of the discoveries, the play, the dream, the marvellous one. The children are organized in Round with small groups of from 10 to 15 children. The emotional role of the Person in charge is of primary importance for these younger children.
Louveteaux: The Wolf Cubs are for children from 8-11 years. It is the age of the expression. One tests a great need to move, to be spent, play. The children are organized in Circle, a place of life which gathers from 20 to 25 children. The Circle is divided into 5-6 teams which are mixed. A Laic movement of Scouting
Eclés: The Scouts are children from 11-15 years of age. It is the age of the great changes, of the assertion of oneself, the desires of projects and challenges. The Scouts are organized around the Crew (6 to 10 young people) permanent during the year and autonomous. 4 to 6 Crews form the Unit. The Person in charge helps, advises, supports the autonomy of the young people and the catch of responsibilities.
Aînés: The Elders are youths of 15-19 years. It is the time of the questions, the ideals, the ambitions, the responsibilities. The Elder ones are joined together in the Clan (group of 10 to 15). They manage of A to Z their programs, their activities with an adult adviser.

Figure 2.--EEDF Cubs playing a game in 1961. Note the characteristic light blue shirts.s.

Eclaireuses et Eclaireurs de France (EEDF)

The EEDF is one of the largest and most well known French Scout association. It was founded in 1911. It is a secular, coeducatinal group. In 1998 there were about 380 troops with 38,000 members.

The EEDF page has images on Scout uniforms in 1944 immediately after liberation from the Germans and the 1949 uniform. There is also a louveteaux 1961 uniform. By 1998 the EEDF seems to have dropped the uniform except for the T-shirt and the scarf.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: November 15, 1998
Last updated: January 15, 2000