French Boy Scout Uniforms: Scouts Unitaires de France (SUF)

Figure 1.--These French SUF Scouts are pictured here hiking in their traditional uniforms. Note that the Scouts wear short pants, but not kneesocks. The photograph was taken on the Mariailles Plateau, probably during the 1970s.

The SUF is one of the many small independent French Scout associations. The SUF was reportedly founded in 1971.

It is another Catholic, traditional Scout group. The SUF like the Baden Powell Scouts in Britain objected to many of the modernizing trends in the main French Scout associations. One of the policies the SUF objected to was moving away from a traditional Scout uniform includingbshort pants.

The SUF has about 21,000 members, including boys and girls. This page has 1998 images of SUF Scouts and Cubs uniforms.

HBU at this time has only limited information on SUF scouting, but hopes to acquire more information.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: November 15, 1998
Last updated: January 15, 2000