German Boy Scouts: Activities

Figure 1.--These German Scouts are having a campfire sing. We note a lot of similar images of German Scouts. These Scouts are wearing their uniform at camp. We note a lot of other of other camp scenes where the boys are not wearing their uniforms.

German Scouts enjoy the same activitis as Scouts all around the world. There is a long tradition of hiking and camping in Germany dating back to the wanfervogel--the first German uniformed youth group. Many impages of German Scouts show the boys camping. Singing around the campfire was an especially popular activity. The Scouts here are wearing their uniform at camp (figure 1). We note a lot of other of other camp scenes where the boys are not wearing their uniforms. We have limited information at this time on activities persued by German Scouts. Hopefully our German readers will provide us some information about Scouting activities. Here we are not sure how these activities varied over time.


Many impages of German Scouts show the boys camping. Singing around the campfire was an especially popular activity. The Scouts here are wearing their uniform at camp (figure 1). We note a lot of other of other camp scenes where the boys are not wearing their uniforms.


Games are of course a popular Scouting activity around the world. There are a wide range of such of such games, including both indoor and outdoor games. We do not know what specufic games German Scouts played. Here there was some unifirmity among countries because of the influence of Baden Powell and British scouting. We note a photograph of German boys from the 1920s playing a wide game, perhaps Capture the Flag or a similar game.


There is a long tradition of hiking and camping in Germany dating back to the wanfervogel--the first German uniformed youth group.


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Created: December 3, 2003
Last updated: 7:59 PM 3/6/2006