Italian Boy Scout Uniforms: AGESCI

Figure 1.--The AGESCI is a coeduational group. These Rover Scouts on a camp out during the 1990s wear the uniform of blue sweaters, shorts and kneesocks.

AGESCI is the Catholic Scout association. Italy is a largely Catholic country and most Italians are at least nomanally Catholic. The AGESCI is a coed group formed in 1974 from the union of the all-boy ASCI and the girl AGI. The ASCI was founded in 1916, but banned from 1928-44 during the Fasit era. The AGI was of more recent origins, founded in 1943. The photo is of an AGESCI scout group. The AGESCI is the largest scout association in Italy. The membership in 2000 was about 180,000 youths and adult workers.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: May 19, 2001
Last updated: May 19, 2001