New Zealand Scouts: Specialized Divisions

Figure 1.--Sea Scoting is popular in New Zealand and the boys wear distinctive sailor suit uniforms and caps.

There are different specialized Scouting divisions. The best known is the Sea Scouts. We have very limited information available on New Zealand. The only specialized division that we have information on at this time is the Sea Scouts.

Sea Scouts

Due to the nature of New Zealand, being two relatively small islands, sea scouting is particularly popular. There are groups in every part of the country. For administration, the country is split into Scout Areas, such as Auckland, Canterbury, Otago etc, and each Area into Districts. Every year each Area holds a sea scout regatta and every three years a National regatta is held, bringing together all, or those who can afford to go, of the sea scout groups in the country. New Zealand is unique in that we all use the same standard boat, known as a 'Scout Standard' but usually referred to as a 'Scout Cutter'. The boat was designed in 1944 and is based on the British Navies 16 foot skiff. These can be sailed by between 3 and 7 persons or, with the mast and rigging removed, rowed by six oarsmen and a coxswain. The vessels were originally made of wood but are now commonly made of fibre glass. They are 17.5 feet long and when in sailing have a single mast with Bermudan rig.

Other Divisions

No information at this time.


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Created: January 10, 2002
Last updated: 12:50 AM 5/24/2005