Russian Boy Scout Movement: Uniforms

Figure 1.-- I attended the 21st Wold Scout Jamboree in England (2007). While I was there, I did get to meet some Russian scouts and got a fairly good look at their uniform. There seemed to be two different coloured shirts that they wore; either a greenish-grey colour or a dark-yellow coupled with forest green insignia and lettering on patches. There didn't seem to be a difference in the uniform colour by sex, perhaps age was the factor. The scouts I met were from southern Russia, so I cannot account for other regions.

A reader has provided some information on the 2000s. "I attended the 21st Wold Scout Jamboree in England (2007). While I was there, I did get to meet some Russian scouts and got a fairly good look at their uniform. There seemed to be two different coloured shirts that they wore; either a greenish-grey colour or a dark-yellow coupled with forest green insignia and lettering on patches. There didn't seem to be a difference in the uniform colour by sex, perhaps age was the factor. The scouts I met were from southern Russia, so I cannot account for other regions. They were rather unsociable to start, but warmed up very quickly. I'll attach a photo of some American scouts and Russian scouts who posed for a photograph."


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Created: 4:54 PM 7/17/2005
Last updated: 12:42 PM 7/18/2008