South African Boy Scouts: Cub Publications

Figure 1.-- 'Fun in Cubbing' was published by The Boy Scouts of South Africa. It has no publishing date but I think it's from the 1980s. The boys wear the khaki uniform worn by South African Scouts, but with a green peaked Cub cap. The book itself includes a wide range of Cubbing activities.

A South Africam reader has sent the cover of a Cub publication. 'Fun in Cubbing' was published by The Boy Scouts of South Africa. It has no publishing date but I think it's from the 1980s. The boys wear the khaki uniform worn by South African Scouts, but with a green peaked Cub cap. This was the cap first introduce by British Cubs in 1916. The boy climbing the tree seems to wearing bulky socks and glumpy shoes. I should think that the boys today would be allowed to wear track type shoes for their activities instead of bulky (and expensive) leather lace up shoes. The book itself includes a wide range of Cubbing activities.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: July 15, 2002
Last updated: July 15, 2002