United States Boy Scouts: Uniform Shirts--Early Shirt Jackets

Figure 1.-- Early Scouts wore shirts that looked more like jackets, although HBU is unsure just how standardized early Scout uniforms were. These shirt-jackets look very similar to U.S. Army uniforms at the time. The early jackets buttoned at the collar. They look rather heavy for summer wear as do the breeches/knickers. Notice here that the boys do not wear neckerchiefs and there are no badges and patches.

Early Scouts wore shirts that looked more like jackets, although HBU is unsure just how standardized early Scout uniforms were. These shirt-jackets look very similar to U.S. Army uniforms at the time. The early jackets buttoned at the collar. They look rather heavy for summer wear as do the breeches/knickers. I don't think there was a regulation shirt undernearh. These jacket/shirts were not worn with neckerchiefs. The neckerchiefs come later as an important part of the uniform. These jackets were commonly worn during the 1910s. We do not notice many badges on these jackets in the photographs we have found.


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Created: 5:44 PM 8/29/2007
Last updated: 5:44 PM 8/29/2007