United States Boy Scout: Sponsoring Organizations

Figure 1.--

One of the important issues concening Scouting was who would sponsor Scout troops. This was especially important at the beginning of the movement as the task of organizing large numbers of new troops provided a challenge. Here the YMCA played an especially important role in the early years of the American Scouting movement. The sponsoring organization of course had a significant imapct on the membership and activity. What group sponsored a Scout troop could have considerable impact on the uniform as well, especially the importance given to the uniform by each individual Troop.

Individual Organizations

One of the important issues concening Scouting was who would sponsor Scout troops. This was especially important at the beginning of the movement as the task of organizing large numbers of new troops provided a challenge. Here the YMCA played an especially important role in the early years of the American Scouting movement. The BSA maintains that each local Scout troop is "locally owned and operated by its (sponsoring) organiaztion". [BSA] The BSA does not sponsor or run a single troop itself. Instead it in effect franchies the program to tens of thousnds local groups which are then required to operate under the BSA's national policies.


Many early Scout troops were organized by churches. Some of those troops as they developed severed ties with the founding churches, but large numvers of troops are still sponsored by churches of many different denominations, both Catholic and Protestant.

Civic organizations

A host of civic organizations have sponsored Scout troops. Groups like the Kiwanis Clubs sponsor large numbers of Scout troops throughout America.


Schools proved to be an important sponsoring organization in the United States. This was especially true after 1930 when the BSA intriduced the Cub Scout program. Many American elementary (primary) schools spnsored Cub and Brownie packs. Scools continue to be an important group of sponsors. According to the BSA in 1999 schools were the third most important type of sponsoring organization. More than 10,000 schools sponsored Scout troops, incliding Cub packs. In recent years the relationship between schools and Scouting has become increasingly controversial in America. This has become an issue because school sponsorship involves the use of tax payer funds. Some because of the use of public funds have questioned BSA policies on gender orinentation because they denies participation to some children. This right on the part of the BSA was confirmed by the Supreme Court in Boy Scouts of America vs. Dale in 2000. School distrcts around the country reconsidered Scout sponsorship because of the BSA policies on gender orinentation. A few have dropped the sponsorship. In respnse, Senator Helms has sponsored legislation to deny Federal funds to school districts which sever ties with Scouting.

Veterans Groups

Local chapters of veterans groups like the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) have actively sponsored many Scout troops.


The YMCA played an especially important role in the early years of the American Scouting movement. Many early troops were organized by Y chapters and and Y employees played an important role in directing the movement.


The sponsoring organization of course had a significant imapct on the membership and activity. What group sponsored a Scout troop could have considerable impact on the uniform as well, especially the importance given to the uniform by each individual Troop.

English Scout Sponsorship

Two of the most important Scouting programs are in England and America. The patterns of sponsorship vary in the two countries, revealing some important differences between the movement in each country.


BSA. 1991 Annual Report.

Macleod, David I. Building Character in the American Boy: The Boy Scouts, YMCA, and Their Forerunners, 1870-1920 (The University of Wisconsin Press, 1983), 315p.

Rosenthal, Michael. The Character Factory


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Created: August 8, 2002
Last updated: August 8, 2002