Boy Scout Uniform Garments: Pants Material

Figure 1.--Corduroy has proven to be a particularly popular material for Scout shorts among French boys. Corduroy is now not as common as it once was, but some groups still have cord pants.

HBU at this time has only limited information on the material used for Scout pants. We do know that nmaterial was a popular material by Scouts in several European countries. Corduroy seems to have been very popular anong French Scouts. Blue cord seems to have been a popular country and was wotn in some French schools as well. Other colors aso seem to have been worn. We have also noted Scouts in other countries wearing corduroy, including Belgium, England, Italy, Norway, and Spain. There are almost certainly other countries where corduroy was used. Interesting, popular denim has never been used for Scout pants. We have nloted that beginning in the 1970s that some Scout groups have allowed Scouts to wear denim jeans and even cut-offs with Scout shirts. This was, however, never official uniform options.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: May 28, 2000
Last updated: October 6, 2001