Yemeni Jews: Arab View

Yemeni Jews
Figure 1.-- Here we see Yemeni Jewish boys. We found this and other images on a web site moyhing nonsensical ideas, but one notable aspect of this site are some beautiful photographs like the one here. These Yemeni Jewish boys are attending a wedding. A 19-year-old Yemeni Jew, Yussef Saeed Hamdi has returned to the village of Raydah in Yemen's Amran province some 70 kms north of Sanaa (June 15, 2008). Hamdi was one of the many Yemeni Jews who has found their way to America and Israel for prorection. He is studing in Jerusalem, but he came back home to marry a young woman from his traditional community. Only a few hundred Jews remain in Yemen, but recent threats by rebels from the Zaidi minority made some flee their homes in the Saada province for greater security in the Sanaa region. Jews in Arab countries have been heavily Arabized. Like Muslims in tribal areas where they live, have 3-day wedding parties. Source: Zio Mania

In dealing with the Middle East one can not help, but remember of Orwellian New Speak in which black is white and white is black. We have found a site which claims that most Jews are not real genetic Jews and only is in the Jews in Arab countries like Yemen that are tuly Jews. The site, Zio Mania, claims that Yemeni Jews are wonderfully treated and that America nd Israel only tempted them out of Yemen because they were offered gold. (A question that these Ilamicist sites never bother toask, just why is America and Israel so rich and why are Arab countries, unless they sit on pools of oil, so poor?) The web master complains that Americans and Israelis are commoting cultural genocide. Unsaid by the webmaster here and other Arab sites is that the population of non-Muslims like Jews, Christians, Bahi, Druze, Hindus, and ohers are indeed being assault throughout the Arab and wider Muslim world. The statistics are undeniable as well the constant stream of press reprts on attacks. And the violence does not stop here, different Muslim factions when not attacking other religions are constantly attacking other Muslims whose beliefs differ from their own. Most Muslims, incluing Arab Muslims, are not involved in these despicable attacks, but a very large number of Muslims are appolgists for those involved in the violence. And these attack take place both in war zones (Syria) and countries not at war (Egypt, Iraq, Pakista, and Yemen).


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Created: 9:09 PM 12/21/2013
Last updated: 9:09 PM 12/21/2013