Italian Cities: Naples--Gastronomy

Figure 1.-This photo was taken in Naples in late 19th century. It shows a spaghetti seller. The spaghetti sellers had their stands with the big pot where spaghetti were boiled. Spaghetti were served on a dish without any flatware. The customers ate immediately spaghetti with their hands and gave back the dish. An Italian reader tells us that the spaghetti was usually served with tomato sauce.

Naples has its own distinct cuisine. The city is is particularly known for its pizza. Pizza originated here and is commonly sold, like other local delacacies, on the street. There were street stalls allover the city. This did not just include easy to ear items like pizza, but also dishes like spaghetti that one would not expect to be sold on the street. The foot was sold without flsatwear and the customer was expected to use his fingers, eating right there and retuning the plate. As the boy here is eating on the stree, he is most likely one of the Neapolitan street children (scugnizzi) (figure 1). Naples influenced food throughout Campania and Sicily. Italian immigrants, especially immigrants from Sicily, brought pizza and other Italian delacacies to America.


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Created: 8:31 PM 8/16/2009
Last updated: 8:31 PM 8/16/2009