Serbian Art: Milan

Figure 1.--A Serbian reader tells us about a talented artist in his class. "I thought I'd tell you about Milan. He is the son of my Serbian friends. He has a great gift. He is a talented artist. He is a Serbian boy. He enjoys drawing animals and country scenes. For fun he enjoys drawing dragons. The Rowlings books about Harry Potter made him reach for his sketch pad to draw a dragon scene. He dresses in contempory casual clothes. Sweat shirts t-shirts and casual trousers. his footwear are trainers.He does not attend a school that has a specific uniform. Children are expected to attend dressed in suitable clothes for school. He has always had a natural talent but to develop it his mum arranged for him to go to an after school art programme. Here are a few pictures. Two of the boy and his art work. The elephant were sketches he did of the elephant in Belgrade zoo after a visit." Click on the image to see Milan's dragon.

A Serbian reader tells us about a talented artist in his class. "I thought I'd tell you about Milan. He is the son of my Serbian friends. He has a great gift. He is a talented artist. He is a Serbian boy. He enjoys drawing animals and country scenes. For fun he enjoys drawing dragons. The Rowlings books about Harry Potter made him reach for his sketch pad to draw a dragon scene. He dresses in contempory casual clothes. Sweat shirts t-shirts and casual trousers. his footwear are trainers.He does not attend a school that has a specific uniform. Children are expected to attend dressed in suitable clothes for school. He has always had a natural talent but to develop it his mum arranged for him to go to an after school art programme. Here are a few pictures. Two of the boy and his art work. The elephant were sketches he did of the elephant in Belgrade zoo after a visit."


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Created: 11:54 PM 4/22/2010
Last updated: 11:54 PM 4/22/2010