John Jr. and Caroline

Figure 1.--Caroline and John were by all saccounts very close, both as children and young adults. This photograph wastaken after an Easter stay at Palm Beach in 1968. John politely caries an umbrella for his big sister who has an easter basket and stuffed easter bunny.

Caroline and John were by all saccounts very close, both as children and young adults. Part of this was no dount to Jacki who raised both to be polite, sensative children. Also the situation the two found themseelves in, especially as John became a little older, must have drawn them together. They both lost their father in the glare of national television and were at the time the most famous children in the world. Any where they appeared there would be ohotographers attempting to take their phtographs. The experience must have been one only the two could fully understand. It was in someway similar to that of Princes William and Henry, but they were both older when they lost their mother.


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Created: October 21, 2003
Last changed: October 21, 2003