German royalty -- Wilhelm Holenzolern headwear sailor hat

German Royalty: Wilhelm Hohenzoloern's Headwear--Sailor Hats

Figure 1.--Prince Wilhelm here wears a wide-brimmed sailor hat with a casual paly outfit.

We had thought that braod brimmed sailor hats were often worn with formal outfits. We know Wilhelm wearing them with casual play clothes. Perhaps this convention was a bit different for royalty. Wealthu royal families had no need to be practical about such matters. I assume in these images of Prince Wilhelm a a younger boy, all such decissions as to what he should wear were made by his mother or nanny. We do not know if the boys had preferences on such matters. A wide-brimmed hat may have well been chosen for outings on sunny days.


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Created: February 15, 2003
Last updated: February 15, 2003