German royalty -- Wilhelm Holenzolern's tunics Russian blouses

German Royalty: Wilhelm Hohenzoloern's Winter Outfits

Figure 1.--Here Prince Wilhelm and his younger brother Prince Louis Ferdinand play on the ice. Wilhelm looks to be a competent skater. They wear identical knit caps, sweater s, knickers, and warm socks. Perhaps it was the same pond he used for his sailboat in the summer.

It of course can get quite cold in Germany. Thus there were a number of cold weather outfits for the boys to wear in the snow or while skating. As with their other outfits, Prince Wilhelm and his brothers wore identical outfits. These outfits normally include knitted stocking caps with poms. Here Prince Wilhelm and his younger brother Prince Louis Ferdinand play on the ice. Wilhelm looks to be a competent skater. They wear identical knit caps, sweaters, knickers, and warm hosiery. The caps have a very rounded top and the poms are small and the same color as the cap. Here the boys wear white sweaters and matching white caps. The knickes have button closures and do not blouse out (figure 1). I'm not sure about the hosirty, but they are likely wearing long wool stockings rather than kneesocks. With all those identical outfits, it must have been a little tricky telling whose was whose. We wonder if the princes ever wiore hand-me-downs.


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Created: February 15, 2003
Last updated: February 15, 2003