Emperor Franz Josef and Emperess Elizabeth: Children--Gisela (1856-1932)

Figure 1.--Here we see Princess Giselle with her brother Crown Prince Rudolf. The portrait was probably taken about 1861. Click on the image to see their Bavarian aunts and uncles. Princess Gissela eventually married into the Bavarian royal family which her mother looked down on.

We have little information about Princess Gisela. We do note several photographs taken with her and Prince Rudolf when they were quite young. A good example is the image where the two were photographed with their father (figure 1). Their mother was clearly not ready for motherhood when she and Rudolf were born early in the marriage. Giesela, like her mother, also married young at only 15 years of age to Prince Leopold of Bavaria, a son of Prince Regent Leopold of Bavaria. This meant that Gissela's mother, Emperess Elizabeth, at the age of only 36 years became a grandmother for the first time--long before she wished to be.


The young princess had two of the most prestigious parents in the world.

Emperor Frances Joseph

Of all the Hapsburgs, one of the longest ruling was Francis Joseph I (1830-1916). He also proved to be end of the reining monarchs. By uniting himself with the conservative absolutist foces, he preserved the monarchy for over a half century. In the end, however, his refusal to allow basic democratic reforms would eventually lead tonthe end of the monarchy a few years after his death in 1916. Francis Joseph may indeed be the most tragic figure in the twilight of European monarchies. While he reigned for 7 tumultuous decades, his life was filled with tragedy. His brother Maximilian was executed in Mexico. His sonv Rudolf, a man of liberal ideals who might have saved the monarchy, commited suiside in a torrid love affair. His beloved wife Sisi was stabbed by an anarchist. His heir Francis Ferdinand was assasinated. His Empire had alrady begun to crumble in World War I, even before his death. Francis Joseph's rule was both magnificent and at the same time pathetic. The Austrian monarchy was one of the most prestiogious in Europe. The Emperor himself was the most long-lived soverign. Yet he lived to see Austria reduced to a second rate power by Germany, his loved ones die in tragic circumstances, and his Empire begin to desintegrate.

Emperess Elizabeth

The one moderating factor in Francis Joseph's court was his beloved wife, the Emperess Elizabeth or "Sisi" as she was known. She was by all accounts an especially beautiful and intelligent woman of liberal disposition. She grew up in the relative freedom of rge liberal and often excentric Bavarian court. She married Franz Josef when she was only 16 years old. She thus at this very young age was thrust into perhaps Europe's most conservative and formal court. Her youth and desire for independence affected her view of the Austrian court. Later as she developed political ideas, her democratic and liberal views further estraigned her from the restrictions of the Court and her role as Empersss. She has been criticized, however, for her lack of warmth as a mother. This is not just a family matter. Her son Rudolfis a man, who if he had become emperor, night have been able to stop World War I.


Gisela and Rudolf were close in age which often means that the two were close. Maria Valerie, however, was much younger which undoubtedly affected her relationship with her older siblings.


We have little information about Princess Gissela. We do note several photographs taken with her and Prince Rudolf when they were quite young. A good example is the image where the two were photographed with their father (figure 1). Their mother was clearly not ready for motherhood when she and Rudolf were born early in the marriage.

Childhood Clothing

Princess Gissela like all girls and women at the time was always outfitted in dresses. Here we see Gissela wearing a dress and her younger brother Rudolf a kind of tunic outfit.


A great deal of attention was given to Rudolf's education who is reported to have had 50 teachers. I'm not sure what kind of education Gisella was given.


Gisela, like her mother, also married young at only 15 years of age to Prince Leopold of Bavaria, a son of Prince Regent Leopold of Bavaria. This meant that Gissela's mother, Emperess Elizabeth, at the age of only 36 years became a grandmother for the first time--long before she wished to be.


I have little information at this on the children of Gisela and Leopold. There appear to have been several children. As the children's father was Bavarian the boys would have grown up in Germany rather than Austria. (Bavaria became a part of the German Empire when it was created (1871). We know of four children. The older children were Princess Elisabeth and Princess Auguste. The third child was Georg (1880-1943). We note a portrait of him wearing a sailor suit in 1885. We have know information about him at this time. His death in 1943 may have been associated with World War II. The fourth child was Prince Konrad (1883-1969). We know very little about him. We have one portrait of him in a spiked helmet and military uniform. Both the Austrians and Germans used this type of uniform. We have no information at this time as to what became of the children.




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Created: April 2, 2004
Last updated: April 2, 2004