European Royalty: Russia--The Tsaraevich Alexei's Formal Uniform

Figure 1.--Alexei is pictured here in 1915 wearing one of his formal uniforms. I'm not sure what kind of cap he is wearing, perhaps some kind of specialized units like hussars.

While Alexei commonly wore sailor suits, for a ceremonial state occasion, he would wear a formal bemedaled military uniform for state occasions. We do not know a great deal about these uniforms. We do not know what they were modeled, presumably they were based on the uniforms of high offers in the army. Different branches of the army, however, had very destinctive uniforms. The headwear in particular was destinctive. We also do not know what all the medals were for.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: June 25, 2001
Last updated: June 25, 2001