Dominican Republic School Uniform

Figure 1.--This photograph probably taken in the 1910s shows Dominican children in their school clothes. They are mostly girls, but a little boy in the middle appears to be wearing a sailor tunic.

HBC has very little information on school uniforms in the Dominican Republic. Like most Latin Amrerican countries it is likely that uniforms are commonly worn, especially in secondary schools and all private schools. One available image shows an example of school wear in the 1910s.

Dominican school children in the early 20th century appear to have dressed much as American children. The girls wear dresses. White seems to have been popular. Some girls wear somocks and pinafores. Most but not all, despite the tropical climate, wore long stockings. Boys often wore sailor suits. Sailor tunics appear to have been popular for the younger boys.

Details are not yet available on modern Dominican school wear.

Careful, clicking on these will exit you from the Boys' Historical Clothing web site, but several are highly recommended

  • Apertures Press International Project: Pictures at schools in different countries and a book on British schools
  • Apertures Press New Zealand book: New book on New Zealand schools in progress
  • School Uniform Web Site: Informative review of British school uniforms with some excellent photographs
  • British Preparatory Schools: A photographic book depicting life at British preparatory schools during the 1980s. Most of the schools are English or Scottish, but schools in Italy, New Zealand, South Africa, and Ulster are also included. The pictures show the uniforms worn at many different schools.
  • Information: Information about school uniforms in America

    Christopher Wagner

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    Created: November 13, 1999
    Last updated: November 13, 1999