Serbian School Garments

Figure 1.--Here are uniforms worn by Serbian boys, we think at secondary schools in the early 20th century, probably before World War I. We do not yet have specific details. We are unsure what schools were involved here. Source: Serbian School Museum.

We have some limited information about the specific garments worn by Serbian school children. This includes both the regular clothes children wore to school and the uniforms that some children wore. Some of the uniforms before Wrld War II show a German influence. The regular clothing included both traditinal rural clothing as well as the largely European-styled garments worn in the towns and cities. Some of the headwear was destinctive. Some followed German school styles. Sailor garments were popular for some time. Schoolwear was also affected by the type and level of the school attended.

Regular Clothes

Schoolwear was affected by the type and level of the school attended.We have some limited information about the specific garments worn by Serbian school children. We think that primary school children until the Communist take over at the end of Word War II mistly wore their own clothes. Many children in rural areas wore traditinal clothing garments. Children in towns and cities wore European-styled garments. Sailor garments were popular for some time.

Uniform Garments

We note a variety of uniform garments. We do not, however, fully undersand the rules at Serbian schools. Some schools, we think before World War I, had full uniforms. These would have been mostly secondary schools. We note some destinctive school caps. After World War I the conventions seems to have been primarily to wear German-styled schol cps, but not full uniforms. Aftr World War II I think the Communists introduced simple school uniforms, but we do not yet have details on this. As far as we know, Sebian childen do not now wear school uniforms, but we are not sure about private schools.


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Created: 8:34 PM 2/11/2008
Last updated: 8:34 PM 2/11/2008