** boys' uniformed e-mail

Historic Boys' Uniforms: E-mail Link

Figure 1.--These American Acouts wear the knickers uniform that dominated in the United States through the 1930s. This photograph was probably taken about 1920.

This is the HBU eMail page. As eMail addresses can change, we could not put a direct eMail link on every HBU page. But here you can reach us uzsing the link at the bottom of the page. We have also added other links where you can find information about our site. Fell free to contact us, we are an interactive site that relies heavily on reader input from around the world.

Questions or Comments?

Feel free to contact HBC. Our web-master would be delighted to hear from you. Your question may have already been answered, but if not, feel free to contact us. The active e-mail link is at the bottom of the page.


A wide variety of youth groups in the 20th century have adopted a great diversity of uniforms. Some of these organizations have achieved enormous renoun for the positive, character building experiences they have provided boys. The first group, the Boys' Brigade, was founded at the end of the 19th centuryband had a central Christian focus. The most significant was the Scouts which was founded after the turn of the century. Comparable organizations were founded for girls. Many of these organizations were founded in Britain and the British penchant for uniforms have greatly influenced the adoption of uniforms for the boys. Uniforms came to be a key element for these groups. Many other organizations were founded , some with sinister histories like the Hitler Youth. This web site seeks to provide a historical background on these organizations and a look at the uniforms worn by the boys over time.


Do let us hear from you. Let us know what you think about HBC? Do you like the site? Do you have suggestions about how it could be improved? Are there topics that we shold be addressing, but have not done so yet? Your comments are very much appreciated and helpful in building HBC.


Thank you for your interest in our web site. I would like to think of it as a cooperative effort with you. In fact it is the personal contributions of your own experiences and uniforms worn that make HBU a particularly interesting site. Your comments would thus be of great interest. I am looking for any historical material, articles on the uniforms worn by members of Scouts and other youth groups, interesting pasages from biographies/autobiographies, old-time photographs of your family, even personal remberences of the more modern uniform styles, or any other pertinent material. Perhaps you have some interesting ideas about further additions.

Frequently asked questions

Many of you have asked a variety of subjects about this web site. As I want to reserve my time for actually working on the web site, I thought I'd answer your questions here.


Do you have any questions about the uniforms worn by boys' youth groups. HBC would be glad to try to answer them. We might know the answer. If we do not, your questions often lead to useful avenues of investigation. We will also post them in case HBU's astute readers might know the answer.

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If the above pages don't provide you the needed information. Feel free to contact the HBC webmasters.

Just click on the image here to send an e-mail.

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Created: April 20, 2000
Last updated: 1:22 PM 10/19/2012