Hitler Youth: Activities--Shooting

Figure 1.--Here some DJ boys learn rifelry at an HJ summer training camp in 1934. Notice that they are not wearing the unifirm with the blsck corduroy short pants.

Shooting was a required activity from the time boys entered the HJ at age 10 years. This was an activity most boys would have found to be fun. Virtually any boy would love to shoot a gun, any gun. The younger DJ boys began to hone their markesmanship with air rifles. The HJ grew rapidly after the NAZI take over (1933). Youthbleaders were badkly needed for the expanhding Reich. Schirach decided to open Reichsführer (leadership) schools). A 3 week cram course was developed which included NAZI political and racial indicrtiunation, the NAZI view of history, leadership training, strenous physical activity, and rifle shooting. As part of the regular training, older HJ boys were introduced to small caliber rifles. We should stress that rifles, unlike in America, were not common in Germany, especially in urban areas. Not only was the shooting popular with the boys, but the culture of the HJ made it even more popular. [Kaufmann, p. 329.] Shooting matches were expanded once the war broke out, authorized by an ordinance (October 15, 1939). Boys who achieved a certain level of competence were awarded maemanshio badges. During the War, hand guns were issued to some older HJ boys. There were incidents of accidents which occurred as a reult of the boys playing with these weapons. [Amtsgericht München]


Amtsgericht München. 'Judgement against Rudolf Stimmel', May 16, 1941. ARL, Lü 6.1.2. Munich. This was a Munich court case dealing with an incident involving a Hitler Youth boy and a gun incident.

Kaufmann, Günter. "Die deutsche Jugend im Zeltlager", Das Junge Deutschland (1937).


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Created: 10:31 AM 8/8/20127
Last updated: 10:31 AM 8/8/2012