Kinderlandverschickung (KLV) Camp (Winter 1944)

Figure 1.--This photograph was taken at a KLV camp during the very cold winter of 1944. As a most KLV camps, the children mosly wore their Hitler Youth uniforms.

A German reader who was bombed out of his home as a boy provides us some information on the KLV.

The Kinderlandverschickung (KLV) was the German program to evacuate children from the cities. It was very different from the British program. British children were sent to private homes. German children were sent to camps orother group facilities. My school was not evacuated to a KLV camp since our town was not targetted by the bombing until just before the end of the War. Thus I have no personal experiences, but I do know a little about the KLV. I attach a poor quality newspaper photo taken as a KLV camp during the very cold winter of 1944. As a most KLV camps, the children mosly wore their Hitler Youth uniforms. But this meant primarily the clothes they brought with them when they were evacuted. Conditions by that time were becoming very bad throughout Germany. Here at the camp there is deep snow. But 6 out of 11 boys in the first row wear just summer shorts and woollen blouses. How many too in the 2nd and 3rd line? Perhaps they had long pants and they were being dried after washing. I do not know? Anyway this shows the difficult conditions for these 10 to 14 year old boys at the end of the War.



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Created: July 29, 2003
Last updated: July 29, 2003