Romanian Scouting: History--1930s

Figure 1.--Tis potcard back portrit shows an unidentified Romanian group, perhaps a primary school group. It is undated, but we would guess it was taken in the 1930s. We are not sure what the occassion is, international children's day is a possibility (June 1). The children look to be school age, about 6-11 years old or so. That is Cub age. Apparently the Romanian Scouts did not have a destinctive Cub uniform. In addition to the Cubs many of the children wear great Romanian folk outfits. Put your cursor on the image to see the rest of the group.

Scouting was popular in Eomania. The numbers were not huge, but participation among the middle-class was substantial. The first Romanian Jamboree was held (1930). There were approximately 45,000 members in addition to 14,000 Guides. The organizer and Chief of the Guides Movement was Princess Ileana, the daughter of King Carol and Queen Marie. The Scouts, however, had a relatively short history in Romania. King Carol II (1930-40) while still Crown Prince, was Chief Scout. When he mounted the throne he handed this post to his son Prince Michael, who had been active in scouting from an early age. Here we see the King with Girl Guides (figure 1). Prince Michael was designated the Romanian contingent leader to the 5th World Jamboree at Vogelenzang in the Netherlands (1937). Just before the departure, howver, King Carol II under pressure from the nationalists and the fascist Iron Guard was forced to accept the creation of a fascistoide National Youth Movement and to order the disbandment of the Romanian Scout Movement. King Krol moved to create the National Renaissance Front. part of that effort was single national youth group--the Străjeria.


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Created: 4:57 AM 11/14/2017
Last updated: 4:57 AM 11/14/2017