German Boy Scout Uniform Garments: Shirts

Figure 1.--Scout shirts are very common. Most Scouts even when not fully uniformed with regullation garments, usually wore an official Scout shirt. And in Germany there were different colored Scout shirts. This reflected the several different Scout associations. This group had blue shirts.

Scout shirts are very common. Most Scouts even when not fully uniformed with regullation garments, usually wore an official Scout shirt. And in Germany there were different colored Scout shirts. This reflected the several different Scout associations. Like many European countries, the Scouting movement was not unified. There were several associations, often divided on religious grounds. These assoiations had different uniforms and the major differenve in the unforms was the colors of their shirts. There were different associatioins before the NAZIs, but the unforms were not so different. After the War when Scouting was renewed we see major differences in the colors of the shirts. Unfortunately our information is limited and we are not sure what association had wgat colord shoirt. As HBU expands we hope to add that information. There are of course other features of Scout shirts, including collars, epulettes, and sleeves, but color is the most important becuse of its visual appeal. And of course the shirt is wear the most important badge and awards appear--an important part of Scouting.


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Created: 4:59 PM 3/30/2014
Last updated: 5:00 PM 3/30/2014