Boys' Uniformed Youth Groups: Photography

Figure 1.-- We know of a few individuals that were paricularly noted for youth group photograhy. Bill Harcourt, known as Green Bar Bill, was a noted photographer of American Scouting. Here is a camping scene from 1960.

As youth groups are for the most part a 20th century phenomenon, there is a wonerful photographic record of these groups. The introduction of the Kodak Brownie (1900) was the perfect too for photographing Scouting activities. Studio photogrphy coud catch images of the children in thir inifoems, but that is a tiny fraction of what was involved with these organizations. Amateur photography gave not only the Scouters to to capture images of their groups, but the boys themselves to create reords of their experienes and friends. Sone children kept scrp books of their experiences, motly filled with snap shots. Scouts often had photography merit badges. Here countries varied both as to the popularity of youth groyps and the popularity of photography. Both were influences by economic factors. Scouting was a largely middle-clss movement. The totalitrian youth groups (Bailla, Hitler Youth, and Pioneers) were mass movements with state mandated participation. Thus economics was not a factor. Photograph was not cheap. And thus the photographic record was most extensive in the coutries with posperous economies. Of course the size of the country is also important. This we have the largest pgotographic record from America with its large prosperous population. For the same reason there is asubstntial photogrphic record from Britain, Germany and France. Other prosperous countries might have a relative small photographic record because of their small populations.But despite large populations there is a much smaller photographic record from China, India and the soviet Union--even though the Soviets had the Pioneer movenent with mndatory articipation. We know of a few individuals that were paricularly noted for youth group photograhy. Bill Harcourt was a noted photographer of American Scouting.


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Created: 1:37 AM 9/3/2015
Last updated: 1:37 AM 9/3/2015