Carson Pirie Scott & Co Boy Dresses (1914-15)

Figure 1.-- Here we see some of the Russian blouse outfits offered by Wards in their Summer 1914 catalog. Notice the wide variety of styles. The Russian blouse suits were mostly shown being worn with short socks, but one boy is shown wearing kneesocks.

Boys in the 19th century commonly wore dresses. This began to change in the late 19th century, especially the mid-1890s. By the 1910s it was much less common for boys to wear dresses, but not unknown. We still see boy dresses advertized in 1914, but such offerings are becoming increasinly rare. We note a 1914-15 Carson Pirie Scott & Co. wholesalers catalog offering boy dresses in sizes 2-4 years. They seem styles rather like tunics,

Carson Pirie Scott & Co.

The wholesaler offering the dresses here was Carson Pirie Scott & Co. This is not a company we are familiar with.

Dresses Offered

Carson Pirie Scott offered two alternatives for boy dresses in the 1914-15 catalog. They were styled similarly and made with the same material, but had different trimming. They were made in sizes 2-4 years.

E9809: $4.25 dozen

The ad copy read, " Boy's Flannelette Dress. Of plain gray 'F.S." Flannelette. Box pleats with side bitton effect. Trimmed with pocket and pearl buttons. Neck band and separate belt in asorted shades of bright cardinal and blue to brown. Ages 2, 3, 4."

E9810: $4.50 dozen

The ad copy read, "Boys' Dress. Manufactured from 'f.S.' Flannelette in gray with asorted stripes. Style same as E9809 with asorted bright red and blue trimmings on neck band and separate belt."


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Created: 5:44 AM 1/4/2007
Last updated: 5:44 AM 1/4/2007