Warner's Waists (1914)

Figure 1.--Here is a another interesting trade catatlog advertisement for Warner's waists. This ad complements another one from a 1911 catalog. This one is dated 1914, and has some interesting new design details for waists. Here two different kinds of waists are offered: (1) muslin waists--the ordinary sleeveless waist made like an underwear jacket, and (2) skeleton waists.

Here is a another interesting trade catatlog advertisement for Warner's waists. This ad complements another one from a 1911 catalog. This one is dated 1914, and has some interesting new design details for waists. Here two different kinds of waists are offered: (1) muslin waists--the ordinary sleeveless waist made like an underwear jacket, and (2) skeleton waists. The model of the skeleton waist shown here is very similar in design to the famous Dr. Parker waist. Note that the boy wearing the skeleton waist seems to be engaged in a pillow fight--an advertiser's code for stressing the freedom of movement and athleticism of the boy wearing the waist. Several claims were typically made by the manufacturers of boys' garter waists--(1) that they were non-restrictive and allowed complete freedom of movement and (2) that they promoted good posture and served (incidentally) as a shoulder brace as well as an efficient and comfortable means of keeping up long stockings. There was an attempt to please both the boy and the mother who would be purchasing the waist.


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Created: 6:48 AM 12/11/2012
Last updated: 6:48 AM 12/11/2012