Stuart's Practical Bloomer Suits for Little Boys, 1915

Figure 1.-- Stuart offered these bloomer suits. They were made in as large a size as the Oliver twist and sailior (middy suits. They come with elastisized above the knee knicker pants .

These bloomer suits are made in as large a size as the Oliver twist and sailior (middy suits. They come with elastisized above the knee knicker pants as in figure 1.



As HBC noted on the gender color coventions page, the modern color conventions of pink for girls and blue for boys was not yet set. Here the only garment mentioned being good for both boys and girls is in blue. The other garments that do not have the same reference seem to have pink versions as well.

Stylistic Changes

Boy's rompers offered by Montgomery Ward in the 1922 catalogue wrre 1 piece not 2 pieces. Here the bloomer bottoms have to be attached to something to stay up. They look identical to tunic suits referred by HBC. By 1922 rompers are all attached and the access for children self help etc are either through drop seats or buttons at the inseam.


Note that the square collar is referred to as Russian collar and the more oval collar is called a Dutch collar. Also the short sleeves are referred to as kimono sleeves. I also think it is worth noting that all the hair styles in the illustrations are the so called "Dutch boy" bang style.

Actual Usage

We notice a German boy wearing a similar outfit, probably in the 1920s, although the photograph is undated. . A reader writes, "THe shoulder buttoning romper in the 1915 catalogue image on this page greatly resembles the German romper. Maybe the bottom is the same too? "


Notice the waist suit or underwear offered here by Stuarts for younger boys at the bottom right hand corner. They were pattened as "Allheneeds" meaning the only underwear or stocking supporter that he needed. They could be worn with these tunic suits. Note the boy is holding one of the straps that could be used to hold up long stockings.


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Created: May 21, 2001
Last updated: March 19, 2004