Sears Fall and Winter 1940-41: Pin-on Garters

Figure 1.-- Sears here emphasizes durability and strength of Kern's Dandy' Cotton Tape Garter Waist, underlining the claim that the supporters won't break or easily give way under the kind of strain that hyperactive boys would inevitably put on them.

Pin-on Garters in two qualities are also offered separately on the same Sears page. These can be worn with standard underwaists/pantywaists or with waist union suits both of which had metal pinning tubes or tape loops for their attachment. They can also serve as replacements for the detachable supporters on the Dr. Parker style of garter waist.

C. "Velvet Grip" Pin-On Garters

The ad copy reads, "Adjustable 3/4-inch lisle elastic. Familiar strong, sturdy quality. Sizes 1 to 4, 4 to 6, 6 to 9, 10 to 12. Black, White. State size, color. Shpg wt. 3 oz. 15 F 5400 Pair 19 c.

D. Pin-On Garters--Adjustable rayon elastic

The ad copy reads, "Sizes 2 to 4, 4 to 6, 6 to 9. Black or White. State size and color. Shpg wt., pair 3 ox., 2 pairs 5 oz. 25 F 5401--Pair 9 c., 2 pairs 17 c."


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Created: 1:05 AM 9/21/2004
Last updated: 1:05 AM 9/21/2004